Tag Archives: Deforestation

What’s being done to prevent deforestation?

Suffocated environment, naked and barren patches of land, extinct species, and violated human rights – these are just a few of the several frightening faces of deforestation. Just like the problem, the efforts being made to bring about a change are not new, and have been around for some time n… – http://www.fiboni.com/2014/03/prevent-deforestation/

Deforestation – the most imminent scare for humanity

The permanent removal of trees and vegetation from woodlands and forests is termed deforestation. There are other definitions of deforestation that also consider other kinds of vegetation. Irrespective of which definition one chooses to believe, deforestation is by far the most alarming problem… – http://www.fiboni.com/2014/03/deforestation-scare-for-humanity/